Unpaid Writing Work; Opportunity or Curse?

After yet another fruitless search for some form of paid writing job to keep me occupied while I finish my degree, I have found myself once again applying for yet more unpaid work. Why do I do it?! I ask myself that every time. I’ve taken on loads of unpaid writing work that eventually I have drifted from and stopped writing for altogether because the … Continue reading Unpaid Writing Work; Opportunity or Curse?

What are your top 5…Films released in 2013 (so far)

I have to apologise first that I totally forgot to do this yesterday, this is a Wednesday thing and it’s now Thursday! I went to work yesterday, and the trains are terrible so I had to leave at 20 past 9 even though I didn’t start till 12. So that was pretty much an entire day gone (I finished at 5) and then I went … Continue reading What are your top 5…Films released in 2013 (so far)

What (who) are your Top 5…Actresses?

It’s Wednesday! So time for another top 5. Last week was actors (if you missed that, you can find it here) so this week I’m following the same theme and going for actresses. I’ll get things started… Jennifer Lawrence Zooey Deschanel Brit Marling Kristen Wiig Mila Kunis I’d love to know who your top five actresses are, so drop them into the comments below! Continue reading What (who) are your Top 5…Actresses?