Udine Far East Film Festival Plans


Plans for Udine FEFF are under way, and it’s all very exciting. Bear in mind the only holiday I’ve been on abroad is Disney Land Paris, and that was when I was 7 years old! Booking a plane ticket for the first time I was like a kid at Christmas and things probably won’t be different when it comes to the 18th!

I honestly just had to flex my left hand so I could work out which side I wanted this picture on….oh dear.

As part of CUEAFS I’ll be out there to work, with a minimum of two film reviews to write a day; at least one of these being for Cinevue, the schedule will be tight and we will all be rushed off our feet. But hey, I get to watch films and write for a week!

This is of course providing I make it there in one piece…I mean, I was genuinely convinced that Dundee was in Australia for a long time, and I still get Glasgow and Edinburgh mixed up, worst of all I actually have to physically clench my hands when trying to work out whether something’s left or right to remind myself which hand I write with!

That aside though, I’m really looking forward to this! It’s going to be hectic but great fun. We will apparently be treated like press and will be interviewing as many of the guests as we can including the directors of all the films that get screened…so I’m very excited!


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